
Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town

A escrita tornava-se soez,
Insultuosa até,
Cheia de personagens esvaziadas pelo passar do tempo,
E de olhares amolecidos,
Vencidas portanto,....

Ela esforçava-se por mudar,
Queria realizações pessoais a curto prazo,
E para isso tentava a estratégia do reverso,....

Pôr a tocar música,
Aqueles americanos que falavam numa mulher que envelhecia,
E que se reencontrava com memórias que partilhara com um fantasma,....

E de repente tudo 
pareceu fluir melhor 

6 comentários:

  1. Es genial cuando las musas te inspiran. Te mando un beso.

  2. Very inspiring..this made me think of what I found out from an old episode on Wagon train. I had to find out who this young fellow was, come to find out at the time he made that show he was in a relationship with Doris Day and she was 19 years older than him. Peter Helm.

    You always find such unique situations! I on the other hand can't say I am in love with the old show, yet its good to spend a little part of the day with someone who enjoys this show very much. All the best to your creativity.

    1. nothing to do with the context of the poem, but thanks so much:-)

  3. Suas poesias são sempre reflexivas, Porventura abraços pra ti.


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